KnK Farms
A Family Farm Est. 1988

Brummel Seed Cleaning

In 1955 six Brummel brothers in Naperville, IL started their own seed cleaning companies, independent of each other as brothers but tied together as a family.  They purchased Clipper 47 fanning mills and mounted them on trailers and pulled them around the countryside with old Chevy cars, cleaning small grains and clovers on the customer's own farm.

As soybeans entered the U.S. agricultural scene, Brummel Seed Cleaning continued to service the customers on the farm with this 'new' grain.

Today, Brummel Seed Cleaning continues to offer it's services of seed cleaning and grain conditioning into a 3 state market.  The current independent buisness' being run by cousins now.  The machinery has improved along with capabilities and services.

Ken Brummel has been operating in Bureau County Illinois since 1990 and services Northwest Illinois, Eastern Iowa, and South West Wisconsin.  In 2012 his son Richard started cleaning also.

Ken and Rich offer seed cleaning services for seed use, food use, storage conditioning, seperation of mixed grains, and conditioning of salvage grain.  They have capabilities of bulk handling and bagging of seed.  Service is still provided on your farm or elevator saving you time and hassle of transporting the grain to a different site, and you are assured of recieving your own grain with no cross contamination from others.

We encourage you to contact us with any of your possible grain cleaning needs.  We remain unaffiliated with any major chemical or seed companies and are truly independent.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.


Brummel Seed Cleaning is ready to service your cleaning and separation needs. Whether you spilt a bag of seed corn or accidentally mixed 2 crops. Big or small, we have the equipment and experience to get your job done fast and right the first time.

Also offering organic cleaning on your farm!

Call Richard!
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