KnK Farms
A Family Farm Est. 1988

Brummel AG: Sales & Repair

Before KnK Farms, there was Ken's Repair & Rebuild. Fresh out of the Marine Corps, Ken got into construction and repairs back in his home town of Yorkville. The company has certainly changed alot, what use to be a one man operation is now a full crew of six Brummel's; Ken, his 2 sons and 3 daughters. Another big step for us was with the dissolving of the local Ag dealer, Ken was able to pick up several grain handling dealerships. Since 2009, we have dealt new grain equipment and ag-related parts & supply. Also, starting in 2013 we will be quoting out new pole barn & all -steel building construction. With all of the changes that we have made to the company we have decided to change our name. Ken's repair & Rebuild will now be known as BRUMMEL AG: Sales & Repair. One thing that hasn't changed over the years is our commitment to a quality job that you; the customer, will be happy with for years to come. Brummel AG looks at all of the options; new, used, or rebuilt, and suggests the best route for you and your operation every time. So make sure to give us a call for your next grain system or machine shed.

Grain Handling Dealerships include;
  • Conrad-American grain bins, floors, and aeration systems
  • Shivvers continuous flow drying systems
  • Sudenga grain legs, conveyors, and augers
  • Hutchinson truck augers, swing away unload augers, and power sweep unload systems
  • DMC stirators and pnematic air pumps
  • Also service and deal: SUKUP, PECK, BROCK

Brummel AG specializes in re-locating an re-building existing grain set ups so it can better service your needs. But sometimes new is the way to go. Check out or inventory of used grain systems, if you can't find what you need make sure to contact us for a quote on a new bin.

We also have an ag-related hardware store here at the farm stocked with:
  • Belts
  • Pulleys & Sprockets
  • Roller Chain
  • Hose and Battery Cable Maker
  • Grade 8, Metric, Carrage, and Stainless Steel Bolts
  • Sprayer Plumbing Supplies & Banjo Values

We can also order you anything from jack stands to dirt scrapers, hay rakes to everyday shop supplies. Just about anything your farming operation would need through our John-Day, Dultmier, or RIPCO dealerships.

Even after hours, if you need a part give either Ken or Rich a call. If we are around we will be more than happy to help you.

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